Frank's Website



about me

I'm a computer science student who recently graduated at college from University of Iowa. I play the piano, and I am deeply inspired by the great art of the masters of the golden age of pianism such as: Alfred Cortot, Vladimir Sofronitsky, Heinrich Neuhaus, and many more, lets not forget the great composers as well: Sergei Rachmaninoff, Ludwig van Beethoven, Alexander Scriabin, Johann Sebastian Bach, and many many more!

I also enjoy reading books. You can check out above which books I own, but, I mostly use libraries for my books as of now, but for the ones I complete cover to cover they are on my goodreads.

In terms of technology, you can check out what books I am currently working through on my page. I have a variety of interests that I'm exploring, but, within time will want to likely specialize in Networks, ML applied to some Sciences, or possibly even a combination of both.

If you would like to chat about any of this stuff, you can check out some of my links below.